Age: 28

Pediatric Respiratory Therapist, but currently Stay At Home Mom to 3 😁

How did you learn about CrossFit Warehouse?
My bestie, Heather, brought me for friends week & I was hooked!

How has CrossFit Warehouse changed your life, lifestyle, and level of fitness?
CFW has changed every aspect of my life. It has made me more health conscious and motivated to stay active. I feel so much stronger, not only physically but mentally as well. I love the feeling of accomplishment after doing a hard WOD!

List short/long term goals you would like to accomplish through CrossFit Warehouse:
Short term goals: get my first pull up!! I would love to get more into running & run a 5k.
Long term goals: improve my form and technique on lifts & gymnastics, keep building my strength & endurance and continue challenging myself.

What do you like most about CrossFit Warehouse?
I love everything! The amazing coaches, the supportive community and fun workouts. Everyday is different so it never gets boring!

What is your favorite CrossFit movement?
Power cleans & dumbell snatches

What is your least favorite CrossFit movement?
Overhead squats 😖

What movements would make up your Favorite WOD?
Power cleans, 400m run, dumbell snatches & lateral bar burpees

What are you currently doing to try to improve your diet?
I’m a big snacker so I’m really working on eating more fulfilling meals, staying hydrated throughout the day and eating healthier snacks, like fruits and yogurt.

Favorite movie:
The Wedding Singer

Favorite music artist/band:
I really don’t have a favorite, I like all kinds of music and genres.

Favorite song to work out to:
Anything with a good beat! 90’s hip hop, punk rock, pop, I love it all!

Achievements you’d like to highlight within your life:
Having 3 amazing children and a loving & supportive husband!! & losing 40lbs in the last year and half!

List a few things we don’t know about you:
I played volleyball for about 10 years & I’ve shaved my head twice for St. Baldricks!

In 10 words or less, what does CF mean to you?
CF means community, physical and mental toughness & overall better well-being.

What advice would you give to someone looking to join Crossfit for the first time?
Don’t be intimidated! Once you walk through the doors you’re welcomed and encouraged. Every workout can be scaled to every ability. Just show up, give it your all and have fun! 

people working out in a group fitness class

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