Age: 17
Occupation: don’t have one 🙁
How did you learn about CrossFit Warehouse? Around when I was 11ish my parents signed me up for it
How has CrossFit Warehouse changed your life, lifestyle, and level of fitness? I have definitely become stronger and now I sometimes feel sore when I wake up
List short/long term goals you would like to accomplish through CrossFit Warehouse: ehhh I don’t have any I’m just going with the flow
What do you like most about CrossFit Warehouse? The people
What is your favorite CrossFit movement? Anything that’s not burpees(deadlifts)
What is your least favorite CrossFit movement?:burpees or devil presses
What movements would make up your Favorite WOD? Deadlifts, squats and bench press
What are you currently doing to try to improve your diet? Cut back on chocolate milk
Favorite movie: Across the spider verse
Favorite music artist/band: any music is fine
Favorite song to work out to: any metal music is fine.
Achievements you’d like to highlight within your life: running the 9 mile hot chocolate run
List a few things we don’t know about you: I got through this whole q/a thing and I still don’t know what to put here
In 10 words or less, what does CF mean to you? A lotta pain but in the end it’s worth it
What advice would you give to someone looking to join Crossfit for the first time? It’s going to suck especially some workouts but if you stick with it even when you really don’t want too you will see changes in your self